Blog: ifurniture Talk
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Blog: ifurniture Talk

How to compliment your front yard?


Our yard can be the source of happiness or sadness, as straight as that. When we’re about to leave or come home, good chance you’ll walk and pass it. And if it’s messy and unfurnished, it would feel more like a burden instead of pride of having one. Of course, no one should dictate how you decorate your yard, but we have some ideas to spark things up.


If you like to eat outside (literally while enjoying the sun) a nice set of outdoor dining set will elevate your dining experience.


If you’re more like me, who prefers just to be able to sip my coffee outside, a sturdy coffee table set with extra enclosure on the top will help much when the sun is literally on top of your head.


And if you want something more casual, and easy to move around have a look on the sofa set above.

And we’re not stopping yet, you can these furnishing below to have your yard feels more alive.


Need some more inspiration, visit for more fresh ideas!


By Bramandyo Pratama

Rainy seasons? Tips to stay cosy in your home


It’s bloody summer in New Zealand, yet the rain keeps pouring down heavily. Going out of our house becomes unfavourable. Maybe it’s time to invest more in our home, to keep us stay excited and comfortable. Here are some of our tips that might help


  • Invest in a nice cosy blanket. We cannot understate the comfort of a nice wrapping blanket on a cold rainy day.
  • Get yourself a comfortable L-shape sectional sofa, where you can tuck in/out your blanket from underneath the ottoman. And of course, sitting down nicely with a cup of tea or coffee while binging the newest hit from Netflix.
  • Of course, a coffee table, to put your beverage and snacks close to your reach.
  • A nice TV Unit where you can put all of your entertainment boxes (Soundbar, Blu-ray player, PS5 or your Xbox)


Now if it’s not enough, we have one more tip for you. Tell Alexa to play “Just One of Those Things album by Nat “King” Cole, sip a glass of wine and enjoy yourself...

How could we provide you with the lowest price possible?


Short answer, because we’re focusing on you and cutting unnecessary expenses.
Let us try to elaborate.


First thing, how do we stay focused on you and what you need?


We have our marketing team who research what our customers want and like to be sold in our store. Many New Zealanders prefer modern design, clear lines and beautiful colour combinations. And we focus on delivering these features every time we bring a new product to our store.



Now it doesn’t mean we only have products with these design languages. Our owner keeps trying to present balance in our furniture selection. You can find some unique decorations laid out in our stores next to our modern design furniture, to bring that extra uniqueness to your home decor.



Second, we try our best to cut unnecessary expenses such as luxury packaging, high-end stores and our staff and managers are working as efficiently as possible to get our job done properly. We do hope as we grow, we can provide a better experience to all of you.


And most of all we’re running on an unbelievably low margin! For all of you to SAVE BIG and enjoy a comfortable home!
“Better, Cheaper, Smarter!”

What should you do before receiving your new furniture?


This is a simple question but need some preparation to answer.


When your furniture company contacted you for your delivery, it would be likely a random day that they can deliver as soon as possible. If it’s on weekend, it’s a good sign and could be a relief, but how about when they only have weekdays available? Let’s talk about a couple of things you might need to prepare before your brand-new furniture arrived.


  1. Yes (if the delivery is set on weekdays), you would likely take a day off, and submit your leave request ASAP.
  2. Get some space ready in your home to set the furniture up. You might need to remove/sell your current furniture that you’re trying to replace with the new one.
  3. Double-check if you have wooden flooring, so you can put some towels or carpeting while assembling your new furniture.
  4. Have your driller ready if it’s required to assemble the furniture from the company you bought from.
  5. Find your nearest recycling station if you haven’t got recycle bin yourself, to throw away the furniture boxes and packaging after you assembled it.


What do you think? We hope this heads up will help you put your new furniture more smoothly and be ready to enjoy it ASAP!

Which rectangle dining table size suits you?


We want to say depends, but we consider it a lazy and indecisive answer. Generally, furniture stores offered you 120cm, 160m, 180cm, and 200cm onwards.

Now the more detailed question would be “Which size fits your family members?”


120cm long: 2-4 people with small to medium body sizes. The reason being the table legs might get in the way for bigger than medium size person to sit.

160m - 180cm long: 4-6 people fits well using all the sides, 160cm for the small to medium body range, while 180cm can fit better for bigger body size.

180cm -220cm long: 4-8 can easily fit using all the sides, 180cm for the small to medium body range, while 200cm will fit better for bigger body sizes.

240cm long onwards: 8-10 people can start fit comfortably well.


EASY AS what Kiwis would say :)

This item will make your home extra comfy!


A recliner. Too soon of a reveal? Yes, this item will change your mind when thinking of buying a sofa for your home.

The feature rather obvious actually, why it gives extra comfort? Because after you end your day, your feet deserve to be able to lay down flat when you’re sitting on your sofa.


Before you have a recliner, you might look for something to hold your feet flat while you’re sitting on a regular sofa, or even worse you put your feet up on your coffee table, which is not hygiene considering you put your beverages and snacks there.


So yes, when you finally willing to take care of your feet (literally being used for your whereabouts), please visit one of our shops near your area and prove us wrong! :)


Have a look for yourself at

Will you get outdoor furniture?


Probably not, do you? Let’s break it down then. On a summer day when the sun warming your body in the early morning, would you prefer to drink your hot beverages inside or outside with the sun heating up your body and have that nice warm feeling?


I would prefer to spend my morning outside, let me explain why. The air is fresher of course. Summer only comes once every year, so I have an urgency to take it all in while it lasts. And turns out, it’s not that expensive to get an outdoor sofa/chairs with a coffee table if you know which businesses to go with.


Oh! the nostalgia of reading a newspaper outside with a coffee next to you (pardon my generation) and the freedom that I would feel knowing I can always spend my time outside when the weather is nice and warm. Then again, it’s just me, what do you think?


Bramandyo Pratama

One Tree Hill resident

Leather vs Fabric? Mind-boggling battle each time.


Genuine leather is from actual animal skin. Whether you support the cause or not, it is as it is since years ago. Now let’s talk objectively about what leather-wrapped furniture means for its use of it. Since it’s from animal skin, it’s naturally more resistant to natural causes, such as water, sunlight and dust. For the period of use, you will see natural lining appears as you sit on your leather sofa, cause as it is your pants rubbing against it with the back pocket button rubbing against it, or as natural as the friction of your butt every time you sit and change position to get comfortable.


Natural patina also will happen over time as you keep using the product, which many people are looking for, cause the product becomes more of a reflection of how you use it. It feels more personal and it feels more of you. Leather is also more resistant to scratch and light cuts as it was initially intended to protect the animal's body organs. Maybe that’s why leather has the title of being the best material to be used in years.


In hindsight, even in the 17th-century leather was used in clothing when people went to war, especially for archers who needs more light weighted clothing to move agilely than swordsmen in the front.



Fabric is material made from fibres. In effect, in its nature not as strong as leather. But don’t get misinformed, when it’s being manufactured to wrap a piece of furniture, it’s also resilient in a different way. Fabric behaves differently when exposed to water, causing the fibres more receptive to liquid, any tea or coffee that spilled onto your sofa will go straight away to the foam inside. But the bright side is it’s easy to clean as well, as easy as pouring a reasonable amount of nice warm water into the stained area, then using your vacuum cleaner to suck the stain away from it. Not too difficult, right?


Another thing with the fabric material is that it’s more forgiving on your body temperature. When the weather is hot and humid and you sit on a leather sofa, the leather will reflect more on your body than a fabric material sofa. You’ll get sweaty sooner and vice versa when the weather is cold, the coldness will be reflected more while sitting down on a leather sofa. The fabric overall is more forgiving.


So what do you think, would you prefer a leather sofa or fabric? YOUR BUTT DEPENDS ON IT.