Leather vs Fabric? Mind-boggling battle each time.
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Leather vs Fabric? Mind-boggling battle each time.


Genuine leather is from actual animal skin. Whether you support the cause or not, it is as it is since years ago. Now let’s talk objectively about what leather-wrapped furniture means for its use of it. Since it’s from animal skin, it’s naturally more resistant to natural causes, such as water, sunlight and dust. For the period of use, you will see natural lining appears as you sit on your leather sofa, cause as it is your pants rubbing against it with the back pocket button rubbing against it, or as natural as the friction of your butt every time you sit and change position to get comfortable.


Natural patina also will happen over time as you keep using the product, which many people are looking for, cause the product becomes more of a reflection of how you use it. It feels more personal and it feels more of you. Leather is also more resistant to scratch and light cuts as it was initially intended to protect the animal's body organs. Maybe that’s why leather has the title of being the best material to be used in years.


In hindsight, even in the 17th-century leather was used in clothing when people went to war, especially for archers who needs more light weighted clothing to move agilely than swordsmen in the front.



Fabric is material made from fibres. In effect, in its nature not as strong as leather. But don’t get misinformed, when it’s being manufactured to wrap a piece of furniture, it’s also resilient in a different way. Fabric behaves differently when exposed to water, causing the fibres more receptive to liquid, any tea or coffee that spilled onto your sofa will go straight away to the foam inside. But the bright side is it’s easy to clean as well, as easy as pouring a reasonable amount of nice warm water into the stained area, then using your vacuum cleaner to suck the stain away from it. Not too difficult, right?


Another thing with the fabric material is that it’s more forgiving on your body temperature. When the weather is hot and humid and you sit on a leather sofa, the leather will reflect more on your body than a fabric material sofa. You’ll get sweaty sooner and vice versa when the weather is cold, the coldness will be reflected more while sitting down on a leather sofa. The fabric overall is more forgiving.


So what do you think, would you prefer a leather sofa or fabric? YOUR BUTT DEPENDS ON IT.